ecology habitats marine

Water Vole

Water Vole are a UK protected species and a Priority Species on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) with a fluctuating but potentially increasing UK population according to the UK BAP. It is also listed on many Local BAPs.

Found along the banks of rivers, streams, canals, ditches, lakes, ponds and other watercourses Water Vole prefers riparian sites with rushes, sedges and reeds, especially those with a high layering of grasses and herbaceous species to provide cover and a year round food source.

Water Vole inhabit a series of burrows that can run up to 2m into adjacent land from the bank top. Their territories expand from April through the summer, contracting over the winter from September/October.

Water Vole survey, Water Vole impact assessment, Water Vole mitigation

Our support capabilities for Water Vole issues are:


Water Vole survey of rivers, waterbodies and wetland habitat.

Design and Assessment
Masterplan design and Impact Assessment.

Licence Application
Licence application, site supervision and monitoring.

Water Vole receptor site selection and compensatory Water Vole habitat design, precautionary working method statements, tool box talks, pre-works survey and site supervision, and translocation.

Management and Monitoring
Production of management plans and Water Vole monitoring during construction and post mitigation.


Exclusion and Fence Installation
Water Vole exclusion fencing.

Habitat manipulation to encourage Water Vole to move out of an area.

Habitat Creation and Restoration
River, ditch and rhine restoration and channel creation, pond and lake creation and restoration, reedbed and wetland creation, aquatic and emergent planting.

Habitat Clearance
River bank destruction, channel damming and draining, in-filling of waterbodies, tree, hedgerow, woodland and scrub clearance, stump grinding and treatment, and turf stripping.

Habitat Management
Terrestrial, aquatic and wetland management for Water Vole.