Keystone Ecology
Keystone Habitats
Keystone – making ecology our business
Keystone Marine
Our marine ecological consultancy services include seabed, intertidal and sub-tidal surveys, seabed sampling, biotope surveys and mapping, marine mammal and bird surveys, plankton, fish and benthic surveys, GIS Mapping, Ecological Impact Assessment and the design and implementation of Mitigation, Monitoring and Management Plans.
Ecological Mitigation
We reduce the risk of costly delays and legal complications, delivering mitigation strategies you and your organisation can be proud of.
Habitat Mitigation
Plant Mitigation
Animal Mitigation
Working with our in-house Ecology Consultancy Team we combine intelligent planning with effective delivery by our ecology-trained Contract Managers to ensure your organisation fulfils all its legal and planning obligations, especially relating to European Protected Species.
Ecological Mitigation Services
Badger mitigation, Bat mitigation, Bird mitigation, Dormouse mitigation, Great Crested Newt mitigation, Reptile mitigation, Otter mitigation, Invertebrate mitigation, Water Vole mitigation, White Clawed Crayfish mitigation, Plant mitigation, Habitat mitigation.