ecology habitats marine


There are 18 species of bat in the UK (17 breeding). All are UK and European protected species and 7 are presently Priority Species listed on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Species listed on Local BAPs and their distribution throughout the UK are variable.

Habitat preferences for bats are species specific and vary throughout the year. In broad terms all bats require roosts away from predators and a constant source of water and insect prey. Though not an exhaustive list, typical bat roost sites are trees, buildings, tunnels, bridges, caves and mines. Common foraging habitats are woodland, hedgerows, mature trees, scrub, mature gardens, grazed pasture and unmanaged grasslands, rivers and waterbodies.

Bat survey, Bat survey of trees, Bat Emergence Survey

Our support capabilities for bat issues are:


Preliminary, emergence, manual activity (transects), automated activity (also at height) and bat hibernation surveys.

Design and Assessment
Masterplan design and Impact Assessment.

Licence Application
European Protected Species licence application, site supervision and monitoring.

Precautionary working method statements, tool box talks, pre-works survey, capture and re-location.

Management and Monitoring
Production of management plans and monitoring during construction and post mitigation.


Bat box installation and bespoke roost site creation.

Habitat Creation and Restoration
Tree, scrub and hedgerow planting, grassland seeding, waterbody and wetland creation and restoration.

Habitat Clearance
Soft-felling and sensitive tree, hedgerow and woodland clearance for bats.

Habitat Management
Habitat management to improve the quality of existing bat foraging habitat.