ecology habitats marine

Case Studies Ecology : Mineral extraction

Bat Surveys for Quarry Expansion

Tarmac Western Keystone Ecology carried out preliminary internal/external bat surveys of buildings scheduled for demolition to make way for quarry expansion. Having found evidence of bat activity we […]

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Strategic Habitats Regulations Assessment

Somerset County Council Tendering through our framework contract with Somerset County Council (SCC) Keystone Ecology won the contract to ascertain the use by aquatic invertebrates of un-worked peat […]

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Biodiversity Action Plan – Longcliffe Quarry

Longcliffe Ltd Recognising the potential to create new habitats from previously worked land Longcliffe Ltd. approached Keystone to carry out an ecological audit of all land in their […]

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Ecological Baseline Surveys and ES Chapter

Cemex In respect of a planning application for an extension to the existing quarry, a Review of Old Minerals Permission and quarry restoration Keystone were instructed to undertake […]

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