Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey
For this high profile 48ha mixed-use brownfield development in Ashford, Kent Keystone Ecology were commissioned to resolve all ecological issues commencing with Phase II surveys in support of the Outline Planning Application, followed by the provision of ecological support for all Reserved Matters Applications and the discharge of planning conditions, ending with species monitoring up to 4yrs post development.
We commenced working on the project in 2003 and our involvement will continue to the end of the development programme, estimated to be in 2018, and for a further 4 years post completion of development.
Key ecological constraints we have addressed on this site are:
- Great Crested Newts
- Reptiles – an exceptional population of 3 common reptile species
- Bats
- Dormice
- Nesting Birds
Working in combination with Keystone Habitats we have delivered/are scheduled to deliver:
- Baseline Great Crested Newt, reptile and bat surveys to inform the Outline Planning Application
- Ecology input to Design Codes and Masterplan design
- Protected species surveys for each Reserved Matters Application
- Site Biodiversity Action Plan
- Dormouse surveys
- Nesting bird surveys
- Design and full implementation of site wide Great Crested Newt, reptile, Dormice and bat mitigation strategies – refer to Keystone Habitats case studies for further details
- EPS licence applications for Great Crested Newt and Dormice
- Precautionary working method statements for nesting birds and other protected species
- Ecology input to design team meetings
- Site wide vegetation clearance – refer to Keystone Habitats case studies for further details
- Site wide habitat maintenance work – refer to Keystone Habitats case studies for further details
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Ecology Surveys and Mitigation for Brownfield Regeneration
Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey
For this high profile 48ha mixed-use brownfield development in Ashford, Kent Keystone Ecology were commissioned to resolve all ecological issues commencing with Phase II surveys in support of the Outline Planning Application, followed by the provision of ecological support for all Reserved Matters Applications and the discharge of planning conditions, ending with species monitoring up to 4yrs post development.
We commenced working on the project in 2003 and our involvement will continue to the end of the development programme, estimated to be in 2018, and for a further 4 years post completion of development.
Key ecological constraints we have addressed on this site are:
Working in combination with Keystone Habitats we have delivered/are scheduled to deliver: