Keystone Ecology
Keystone Habitats
Keystone – making ecology our business
Keystone Marine
Our marine ecological consultancy services include seabed, intertidal and sub-tidal surveys, seabed sampling, biotope surveys and mapping, marine mammal and bird surveys, plankton, fish and benthic surveys, GIS Mapping, Ecological Impact Assessment and the design and implementation of Mitigation, Monitoring and Management Plans.
Tools and Guidance
Company Brochures
We have company brochures available in print and in PDF format. Please visit our Brochure Request page to order.
Guidance Notes
To assist our clients we have produced a series of guidance notes covering a range of topics. To open a file click on the links below. To save a file right click and select “save link as”.
European Protected Species
Great Crested Newts
Water Voles