ecology habitats marine

White Clawed Crayfish

White Clawed Crayfish are a UK protected species that is rapidly declining (UK BAP). It is a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority Species and is listed on numerous Local BAPs.

White Clawed Crayfish populations are concentrated in northern and central England and their distribution is governed by geology, water quality and the presence of the non-native Signal Crayfish. They can be found in canals, streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, mill ponds and water filled quarries. Their preference is for mineral rich waters over calcareous and rapidly weathering rocks. Good flowing water habitats are those with cobbles and rock riffles, roots and woody vegetation, undermined and overhanging banks, heterogeneous flow patterns and water saturated logs.

White Clawed Crayfish survey, White Clawed Crayfish impact assessment
White Clawed Crayfish photograph by David Gerke

Our support capabilities for White Clawed Crayfish issues are:


White Clawed Crayfish trapping and stone turning surveys.

Design and Assessment
Masterplan design and Impact Assessment.

Licence Application
White Clawed Crayfish licence application, site supervision and monitoring.

Receptor site selection and compensatory habitat design, precautionary working method statements, tool box talks, pre-works survey and site supervision, and translocation.

Management and Monitoring
Production of management plans and monitoring during construction and post mitigation.


Habitat Creation and Restoration
River, ditch and rhine restoration and channel creation, pond and lake creation and restoration, reedbed and wetland creation.

Habitat Clearance
Channel damming and draining, in-filling of waterbodies, tree, hedgerow, woodland and scrub clearance, stump grinding and treatment, and turf stripping.

Habitat Management
Short and Long-term habitat management for White Clawed Crayfish.